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New Year, New Pet Health Plan.
Make 2023 Your Pet’s Healthiest Year Yet!

There’s nothing quite like a happy, healthy pet greeting you at the door every day! Ensure your furry friend is always there with a cheerful smile and a warm greeting by staying up-to-date on their preventive care, and following a wellness program that will give your beloved companion the best chance at a long and healthy life. Aspire to make 2023 your pet’s healthiest year yet by scheduling an appointment for the following recommended wellness & preventative care. We are happy to provide a variety of Pet affordable Wellness Plans (P.A.W. Plans).

A thorough physical exam, to build a good foundation

While we may appear to be simply massaging pets during physical exams, we are actually checking for any abnormalities, such as lumps, bumps, swellings, changes in muscle mass, and skin issues. We then move on to the instruments of our trade; a stethoscope to listen for heart rhythm irregularities, heart murmurs, and crackles or wheezes in the lungs; an otoscope to peer into a pet’s ears to check for irritation, infection, or polyps; and an ophthalmoscope to see cataract formation, lens changes, and the response of a pet’s pupils to light. A thorough physical exam once or twice per year builds a bond with your pet, and helps us spot any changes that may need further testing to prevent or treat a health issue.

Necessary vaccinations, to prevent deadly diseases

Staying current on necessary vaccinations is one of the most important ways to keep a pet healthy. Many deadly diseases, such as rabies, distemper, leukemia, and parvovirus, are easily prevented with effective vaccination. When a pet comes in for his or her wellness exam, we discuss their lifestyle with their owner and discuss regional diseases that they may be exposed to, and develop an appropriate vaccination schedule tailored to their needs.

Parasite deworming and prevention, to keep pets and families safe

Parasites are pests! But, we can easily protect our pets against them. Parasites are much more difficult to eradicate once a pet has developed a parasitic infection. If you’ve ever knows someone that has battled a flea infestation, you understand  the challenge of breaking their life cycle and banishing them from pets and their home. Ticks, roundworms, whipworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and heartworms are other common parasites that can feast on a pet, but a variety of easily administered parasite-prevention products are available to keep pets safe. By routinely administering parasite preventives, we are protecting our pets, and our families, as many intestinal parasites can be transmitted from pets to humans.

Dental care, to banish harmful oral bacteria

Each year a pet has gone without a toothbrush attacking the plaque on their teeth, that plaque build-up hardens into tartar, causing our four-legged friends to need our help to restore those pearly whites to their former, healthy, glory. Plus, who can stand that stinky breath! With a veterinary professional dental cleaning, we remove the plaque and tartar build-up that is responsible for tooth-root abscesses, bone loss, tooth decay, heart disease, and systemic infection. After we’ve scaled off the nasty tartar layer, pets will enjoy a clean, healthy mouth and a fresh start to recommended dental-care routine at home. We recommend daily toothbrushing with a pet-friendly, veterinary toothpaste, prescription dental diets, and products approved by the Veterinary Oral Health Council.

A diet and exercise plan, which is vital for good health

More than half our nation’s cats and dogs are overweight or obese. Those extra pounds can take a serious toll on a pet’s health and can cause diabetes, heart disease, osteoarthritis, and some cancers. With a proper diet and exercise plan, we can battle the bulge together and reveal a sleeker, slimmer, healthier pet. We will first determine a body condition score to see where there is room to improve. Then, after discussing a pet’s current diet and feeding habits, we will make adjustments as needed based on caloric requirements for activity and lifestyle. We may suggest getting a pet up and moving more, by trying puzzle feeders, moving toys to prevent boredom, or changing up a walking routine.

We are eager and excited to start pets off on the right paw! Contact us today, to schedule an appointment for a wellness and preventive care visit. Phone: 613-345-3401 or email: