Dutchess came into our family in 2005 as an Easter gift for my brother and I, she was only 4 weeks old. She was named after my dads family dog, from when he was a child.
This girl was the most special little baby, and touched many hearts for almost 15 years. She has livid out west and back with us, and has been on every single journey we’ve taken since 2005.
Just over 4 years ago, Dutchess almost passed from her ailments, as we could not afford the surgery. At 10 years old, we were scared to put her through one as well. Brockville Animal Hospital granted Dutchess with their Angel Fund, and as a recipient; she got her life saving surgery done by incredible staff on their lunch break; without cost to our family.
Dutchess was a true angel on earth, and will be missed more than words can express. She lived a full and beautiful life and gave people smiles wherever she would go.
Rest peacefully Dutchess, until we meet again.
February 17, 2005 – July 20, 2019
What a truly beautiful thing this Animal hospital did for this family and for sweet Dutchess. RIP sweet girl <3